The 48 Laws of Power書裡的一些點子:
♟There is nothing more intoxicating than victory, and nothing is more dangerous.
♟a person cannot control his words show he cannot control himself
♟Always said less than Necessary
#quotestagram #mcmyeskan #lightroom #virtualrealityworld
#小故事大道理 #手動轉 #人生語錄
「the 48 laws of power」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 利世民 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 無待堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 The 48 Laws of Power (Animated) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於the 48 laws of power 在 Robert Greene talks The Laws of Human Nature and The 48 ... 的評價
the 48 laws of power 在 利世民 Facebook 的精選貼文
最終,我執咗十七本書;其中十三本係 Patreon 會員提名,另外有四本係我自己嘅推介。希望 2021 嘅上半年,可以寫起晒以下呢十七本書嘅精讀掫要同評論,同 Patreon 嘅會員分享。
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=== 我 是 分 隔 線 = = =
【#1|Benoit Mandelbrot, The (MIs)Behavior of Markets 】 點解市場咁唔穩定,不可測?當一個系統裡面有好多互為因果嘅關係,其實好自然就係唔穩定同不可測。知道咗喇,咁又點呢?相信大家最想知嘅答案係:「假如明知市場嘅特點,又可以點樣征服市場?最低限度,點樣先至唔會轟烈陣亡?」最後,雖然多數人見到呢個題目都會諗到財經金融,但其實一理通,百理明,任何社會現象背後嘅演變軌跡,亦大同小異。
【#2 |Timothy Brook, Great State: China and the World 】 呢本書嘅重點係:「目前我哋見到嘅中國,其實延伸自被蒙古征服之後所建立嘅大國家結構(Great State)。」書裡面十三個單元,可以單獨去睇,但串埋一齊,又有個更大嘅故事。最重要係,歷史書,睇落好似講過去,但作者好多時都係講緊目前;當然,更值得大家推敲嘅,係究竟從作者所鋪陳嘅歷史,究竟 Great State 嘅未來又會點。
【#3 |Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined 】 雖然我哋成日都覺得,兩次世界大戰好暴力,死好多人;有啲社會,好似美國,槍械泛濫,日日都有人死。但實際上,今時今日嘅世界,人與人之間嘅暴力,少過以前好多。人類文明嘅定義,就係唔再講打打殺殺,係咪?但點解會有呢個現象呢?如果話人性本來就係殘酷惡毒,又係乜嘢原因令人嘅獸性受到壓抑呢?又或者,過去幾十年來相對嘅非暴力,其實只係異數?
【#4 | Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business 】 呢本書最初出版係 1985年,當時最主流嘅娛樂係睇電視。但到今時今日仍然有人話,呢本書嘅講法一樣可以用來分析 social media 。當一個觀念可以貫穿唔同嘅時空,佢就符合經典呢個定義。究竟 The medium is the metaphor 呢句說話,係乜嘢意思?假如話電視係「公仔箱」,咁手機又應該係乜嘢呢?
【#5 | Ray Dalio, Principles, Life and Work 】 Ray Dalio 搵好多錢,好叻,我最初留意佢,亦都係因為 Bridgewater Associates 旗下基金曾經跑贏大市。不過,如果因為佢搵好多錢就睇佢寫嘅嘢,就好容易失望,因為我唔相信成功可以複製。好多年前,Principles 仍然係一份可以免費 download 嘅 pdf,我都已經搞過讀書會討論分享。Ray Dalio 係個有諗法嘅人,佢亦都好落力去宣揚佢相信嘅價值觀。Principles 裡面所描繪嘅做人態度,我形容係「極端理性主義」;究竟咁理性嘅人,係咪好不近人情呢?當然,我咁講得,就梗係覺得唔係喇!我甚至乎覺得,極端理性主義,先係真正嘅大情大性。
【#6 | Simon Sebag Montefiore, Jerusalem: The Biography 】 話說有種心理病叫「耶路撒冷症候群」(Jerusalem Syndrome),去到耶路撒冷嘅人,會忽然感覺到聖靈嘅感召,做出一啲好怪異嘅行為。但生活響耶路撒冷嘅人,又會點呢?呢本書嘅作者野心好大,用一個地方嘅人同事,去刻劃三大宗教三千年嘅歷史。其實,過去我一直有個疑惑:明明地球咁大,大把地方嘅條件好過耶路撒冷,點解幾千年來,呢班人究竟係爭緊啲乜嘢?
【#7 | Eric Hobsbawm, Fractured Times: Culture and Society in the 20th Century 】 因為想從一個馬克斯主義者嘅角度睇現代資本主義社會嘅歷史,所以其實我一直都想開始讀 Hobsbawm 嘅著作。既然有朋友提名呢本書,就不如由呢本開始喇。
【#8 | Michael Sandel, The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good 】 好多人鍾意 Michael Sandel ;佢嘅 Justice 同 What Money Can’t Buy 我都有認真去讀。坦白講,我認為 Sandel 叻在將知識普及,但就唔算得有咩個人又或者創新嘅構想。不過,就算係唱「別人的歌」,只要唱得好都值得欣賞嘅。Meritocracy,粗粗地咁可以解做「有能者居之」究竟 Sandel 會點樣去反對?
【#9 | Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power 】 Greene 嘅書,我淨係睇過佢寫嘅 Mastery。如果無記錯,當時應該係睇完 Malcolm Galdwell 嘅 Outliers 之後,順手睇埋。我對 Greene 嘅評價係:「一個好識得將唔同嘅故事炒埋一碟上枱嘅作者。」
【#10 | David Benatar, Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence 】 呢個提名好特別;雖然我只係好簡略咁睇過些少背景資料,但直覺已經話我知,呢本書個種離經叛道嘅程度,係 handle with care 嘅級數。
【#11 | Niall Ferguson, The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power from the Freemasons to Facebook】 呢本書其實都係我自己嘅書單上面好耐;我想睇呢本書係因為佢嘅主題係 Network (The Square) vs Hierarchy (The Tower) 。但令我有少少猶豫嘅係呢本書有少少標題黨;我都幾肯定,有人以為本書係講 Freemasons 同 Facebook 嘅秘聞就衝咗去買。
【#12 | Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dream 】 提名呢本書嘅朋友,問我有冇話一定要咩範圍。其實我近年嘅興趣都好雜;好似之前 James Nestor 嘅 Breath ,我唔單止有睇,做埋實驗㗎。
【#13 | Jane Mayers, The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals】
【#14 | Jane Mayers, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right 】 呢兩本書,The Dark Side 係講 911 後嘅美國,Dark Money 係講 Obama 年代共和黨嘅分裂同變異。一睇就知,作者好唔鍾意共和黨;但我又睇吓,究竟呢個本書可以有幾咁深入,有幾多大家未聽過嘅秘聞。
【#15 | Kate Fox, Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behavior 】 似乎係本輕鬆小品;既然呢期咁多香港朋友都諗住去英國,又或者已經身在英倫,寫呢本書嘅推介,應該有市場啩。
【#16 |Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants 】Kevin Kelly 我嘅形容係「奇男子」「先知」;先知,其實都係早過你知,但佢就早過我哋知一啲好重要嘅嘢。例如早在 2008 年佢就提出,話有 1000 個真正 fans 就可以做一個專業嘅 creator;呢個講法,比起依家大行其道嘅 passion economy,早咗十年。但我認為 Kevin Kelly 嘅真正代表作,係呢本 What Technology Wants。Kevin Kelly 對科技嘅發展,好樂觀;就算終有一日,機器嘅智能,將會做到甚至超越人類,但咁又點?汽車快過人類,咁你係咪打跛雙腳吖?工具嘅存在,被動咁睇係解決問題,但主動咁睇係去增加我哋嘅可能性。Kevin Kelly 用嘅例子係:如果莫扎特出生早一百年,當時冇鋼琴,咁佢仲係唔係咁偉大?雖然呢本書係十年前嘅作品,但先知嘅預言,就梗係要攤一陣先至可以公道咁評論,係咪?
【#17 |Garry Kasparov, Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins 】今季壓軸係 Kasparov 講返佢象棋事業高山低谷嘅自傳。雖然呢本書唔少篇幅講佢對 Deep Blue 嘅對弈。但就算你唔識,又或者唔鍾意捉棋,都不得不配佩 Kasparov 嘅 insight:「既然人類遲早都會輸比電腦;我寧願做歷史上第一個輸畀電腦嘅世界冠軍。」當然,輸咗棋之後,佢一定好多反省,但佢嘅結論係唔應該抗拒電腦,反而係要諗點樣用電腦令人腦嘅功能更強大。Kasparov 都有講到 Singularity,但佢比 Kevin Kelly 更樂觀;唔好忘意,Kasparov 曾經當住全世界面,畀電腦活生生咁蹂躪,連佢都話人工智能是個好東西,或者我哋都應該趁早了解其實呢個係一個咩心態。
the 48 laws of power 在 無待堂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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9月18日 下午6時40分 (辦公完結時間為下午6時)
❗️Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in the statement issued by The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) does not reflect the views of the director and the production team.
The Tug of War with the OFNAA over “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
Although “Taking back the Legislature" and "Inside the Red Brick Wall" have not shied away from controversy, yet the production crew have always strived to objectively capture every social movement against all odds, and the films have received a wide swath of responses since their release.
Nevertheless, the OFNAA has gone out of their way to coerce the directors into making statements against their wills. When failed to oblige, they could face having their works barred from screening by the OFNAA with whatever administrative reasons they might come up with.
Therefore, Ying E Chi hereby express our strong discontent to the following actions of the OFNAA:
1. Force the films to be edited under the pretext of protecting everyone, but in fact, only to protect their own interest
2. Request an announcement to be made at the beginning of the film, yet refused to be declared as the one who demanded the announcement
3. Overturn the previous certificate issued by the OFNAA with unspecified reason
4. Fail to issue the certificate on time as promised, whilst shifting the responsibility to the applicant
The statement required by the OFNAA is as follows:
“Taking back the Legislature”:
“This film records the serious incident of the storming of the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws.”
“Inside the Red Brick Wall:
“This film records the serious incidents at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and nearby areas in November 2019. Some of those depictions or acts may constitute criminal offences under prevailing laws. Some of the contents of or commentaries in the film may be unverified or misleading.”
Here is how the negotiation between Ying E Chi and the OFNAA unfolds:
Ying E Chi filed an application for a Certificate of Approval for the old version of “Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall".
7/8/2020 (A month after the National Security Law was enacted)
The first time Ying E Chi were notified by the OFNAA that a warning issued by them must be added at the beginning of the film. Ying E Chi then categorically declared that since the content of the warning does not reflect the will of the director, the films will not be edited as a result. The OFNAA responded by saying the administrative procedure might be delayed if their instructions have not been followed.
3/9/2020 (About 2 months after the National Security Law was enacted)
Ying E Chi handed in the application again with a new version of the films including the warning statement as requested, indicating that the warning is issued by the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi were informed by the OFNAA to remove the statement at the beginning of the film as it does not belong to the film. Ying E Chi responded by calling out the absurdity of such request, as the OFNAA ought not to ask the films to be edited before they even review the whole film. Yet again the OFNAA demanded the changes to be made since it might cause a delay in the reviewing process.
As a result, Ying E Chi submitted a new version at the first instance at the request of the OFNAA.
Ying E Chi phoned in to enquire about the application procedure, since the application was made on the 3 Sep, so the Certificate of Approval should be issued on 17 Sep. However, the OFNAA replied that the Certificate of Approval would in fact not be granted this week for they claimed to have received the updated version on 11 Sep, so they could only have begun the reviewing process officially on the 14th, and thus the earliest time the certificate could be issued would be 21 Sep. (Note: Despite the official application date listed on the application form was 3 Sep, the OFNAA still tried to avoid the responsibility caused by their sluggish bureaucratic process.
18/9/2020 6.40pm (Office Hour ends at 6pm)
The OFNAA informed Ying E Chi that a statement PROVIDED by them must be included at the start of the film, and the new version must be handed in on 21 Sep, otherwise the Certificate of Approval would not be issued on the day of the screening. Ying E Chi again requested to indicate the OFNAA as the one who issued the statement, and that the certificate should be granted on screening day. The OFNAA, however, rejected to be identified as the one who issued such a statement, and insisted that all amendments can only be made subject to their approvals and requirements. At the time, Ying E Chi were informed that the Certificate of Approval obtained for the old version of “ Taking back the Legislature" + "Inside the Red Brick Wall" could no longer be used, as there cannot be two certificates for both old version and the updated version. (Ying E Chi, are deeply confounded by this sudden decision, but the OFNAA has failed to offer any clarifications.)
Not only have Ying E Chi just received the certificate on the day of the screening from OFNAA, but at the same time we have been notified that "Inside the Red Brick Wall” has been classified as a Category III Film, and therefore need to make the refund arrangements.
We are profoundly sorry about the inconvenience caused.
It is not the wish of Ying E Chi and Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers to set the wrong example for the industry, yet we would hate to have the truth to be buried by the Hong Kong Government or to let those in power rewrite the history. Ying E Chi have compromised for this instance in order to facilitate this screening, we, nevertheless, will keep on protesting, so please spread the words and make our story known. Thank you for continuing to support Hong Kong films, and from now on please do not be misled by any bizarre statements in movies and misunderstand the directors.
*Note: Under the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392), a film intended for exhibition in Hong Kong at any public place has to be submitted to the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration for prior approval. Failing to comply with such requirement may constitute a criminal offence.
the 48 laws of power 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
the 48 laws of power 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
the 48 laws of power 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
the 48 laws of power 在 Robert Greene talks The Laws of Human Nature and The 48 ... 的推薦與評價
How does The Laws of Human Nature compare to The 48 Laws of Power ? Robert Greene explains what you can expect in the new book. Find out more about The... ... <看更多>
the 48 laws of power 在 The 48 Laws of Power (Animated) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Watch the 3h & 30 mins version with more in-depth explanations at the full archive for 7$ & download ... ... <看更多>